Churches Together in Sudbury

Churches Together Open Forum

Four times a year, people from local churches gather for an “Open Forum” where we have a speaker on a topic of local, national or international importance and have an opportunity to ask questions. We also share news of our churches. Any essential business is usually very brief. The next takes place during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and is on Wednesday July 10th 2024  at Great Waldingfield Church

Everyone is welcome to the Forum so please join us at 7.00 for 7.30 pm 

      Prayer Breakfasts

Do join us if you can. You will be most welcome, whether you have never been before, or have not been for a couple of years, or are a regular!

         The list can be seen at .                                                                

Kettle and Fish 

Please do drop in and see us then. We will be serving the same delicious food and providing the same friendly welcome as always, 10am to 1.30pm at Suffolk Road Church, next to Aldi. As always, dates may occasionally change at short notice. Please ensure Kettle & Fish is publicised in your church – great food, an opportunity to chat, and always someone on hand for a conversation about the Christian faith or to pray with you.