St John's Community Team

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Photo mini event on July 19th.  Sarah will be coming for the whole day to take photographs.  Admission will be £1.00 per family.  Check the Facebook page for details

Tea and Tots  9.30 - 11.30. - last meeting this term 19th July

Thanks Goodness Its Friday - also last meeting this term 19th July

 Do check our facebook page for details of all our events.

Friday Groups

Tea and Tots

On Friday mornings we provide a safe place for mothers/fathers/carers of babies and pre-nursery age children to meet and socialise. Children are able to enjoy a variety of toys and equipment and creative, sporty and messy play followed by story time and songtime giving them the opportunity to learn to communicate and share.  Parents have the opportunity to relax and if they wish, to share concerns with each other and give each other support.  A donation of £1.00 per family goes towards the cost of the refreshments which are available

Tea and Tots

Tea and Tots pm

TGIF– Thank Goodness Its Friday– 3.30pm-5pm

TGIF is our after school family drop in.  In the afternoons we provide an opportunity for school age children to take part in structured and themed activities including crafts, cooking, board games and sport. They have the opportunity to either let off steam or to wind down after school.

Donations welcome.


Coffee and Chat 10.30 am-12.30 pm

On Saturday mornings the Community Worker runs a dementia-friendly Coffee and Chat session from 10.30 to 12.30 where we provide board games, different craft activities and also films – both on a monthly basis. This provides a social opportunity when amongst other things carers can have a slight break and relax. Additionally, as with the Friday sessions, there is an element of mutual support.  Donations welcome.

Friendship Cafe

Funded by the Private Fund - JA through Suffolk Community Foundation

SCF logo


For more information on any of these activities, contact the Community Worker, Elizabeth Lee by email by clicking here

Please check us out on the facebook page